gisella cardia messages

On the Warning. Please I really need this. * Given the preceding sentence . View All Messages. The 121-word message that Cardia says refers to the coronavirus was dated Sept. 28, 2019. My children, you will see things will be very strange to your eyes, but I say to you: never be afraid. Please I really need this. Why Gisella Cardia? In this video we share Our Lady's Message to Gisella Cardia for June 3, 2022.Dear children, thank you for having responded to my call in your heart. Mary spoke in September about an "unknown bacteria," or, as Cardia now says, a "'virus that would arrive from China' — after a few months it arrived. You must never fear,. Giselle Cardia. The new Jerusalem will soon arrive. Beware of vaccines and all obligations*, because they will not come from God, but from Satan who wants to govern your lives and minds. My children, the times you are going through will become worse; but remember, do not be afraid of the time that is ending, but be joyful regarding the marvelous world that awaits you. Dear children, love my Jesus who will give you so much if on . Pray for the Pope and for My Church, for they are faltering; the earth will continue to shake. "My child, my daughter. I love you and bless you in the Name of the Father, in My Name and in that of the Holy Spirit. Catholicphily reported in August 2020 that an Italian woman, Gisella Cardia, claimed to have received a message from Mary in September 2019, saying that " a new disease would soon emerge from China". Gisella Cardia kneels and looks skyward Aug. 3, 2020, in the moment devotees claim Mary appeared to her and revealed a message. About the Webmaster. Some of my favored sons (priests) have turned away . I see m. I see m. Dear children, love my Jesus who will give you so much if on . Firstly, the content of Gisella's messages converges very closely with the "prophetic consensus" represented by other contemporary sources, without any indication of her awareness of their existence (Luz de Maria de Bonilla . Pilgrims gather in Trevignano Romano, Italy, Aug. 3, 2020, for an alleged apparition of Mary to Gisella Cardia, who claims Mary appears to her on …. I love you and bless you in the Name of the . They began in 2016 following her visit to Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and purchase of a statuette of Our Lady, which subsequently began to weep blood. Our Lord to Gisella Cardia on October 27th, 2020: My sister and daughter, keep your heart at peace, because what happens will be terrible in your eyes and those of your brothers and sisters. My prophets have written and have spoken much for the salvation of humanity, but you do not listen. Apparitions in Trevignano Romano, Italy. Commentary My priests have besmirched and used My Most Holy Name to float heresies and blasphemies. I, your Mother, am putting each of you in the right place . God Bless. Our Lord Jesus to Gisella Cardia on November 21st, 2021: My brothers and sisters, thank you for having consoled Me again today with your presence. My children, thank you for being here in prayer and for having responded to my call in your heart. Beloved children, continue every day in prayer, especially in the recitation of the Holy Rosary which is the sole* protection that you . In this video we share Our Lady's Message to Gisella Cardia for May 6, 2022.Dear daughter, thank you for welcoming me into your heart. [ Christ or Satan ] _____ This is a binary election with a known binary outcome. Adam Skwarczynski, the diaries of Bruno Cornacchiola. Dear children, fight for your freedom: you are about to be enslaved by evil dictators. Beloved children, thank you for being in prayer and for having listened to my call in your hearts. In this video we share Our Lord's Message to Gisella Cardia for April 26, 2022:The message from Jesus follows here:My children, why don't you take great car. Now I leave you with my blessing in the name of the Father, in my Most Holy Name and that of the Holy Spirit. My beloved children, I ask you return to God with genuine faith; do it quickly — do not waste any more time because the time is over. "Pray for China, because new diseases will come from there, all ready to infect the air by unknown bacteria," wrote Gisella Cardia in a message she alleges came from Mary. If even just one priest just one can look into the alleged visions and messages of Giselle Cardia and tell me if they're credible or not that would be amazing. Giselle Cardia: True or False. My children, I touch the earth to bring peace to your hearts and homes. Children, I ask you to listen to my advice and to the voice of my Son so that you might be saved. There are several major reasons for focusing on Trevignano Romano as a potentially important and solid prophetic source. You don't. Gisella - Famine is Coming Our Lady to Gisella Cardia on June 12th, 2021: My children, thank you for being here in prayer. September 8, 2021 My children, thank you for having responded to my call in your heart. (Credit: Robert Duncan/CNS.) My Conversion from the Occult. As Gisella Cardia is saying that Christ is literally going to come among us in the Second Coming to renew the Church it is obviously the Church Militant the messages refers to, which is a heresy. Publié dans Messages Gisella Cardia - à Trevignano Romano | Tagué à Gisella Cardia, ils vous tromperont bientôt en disant que ce n'est qu'un souvenir., le 31 mai 2022 / Les enfants, Message de Jésus de Trevignano Romano, profitez de ces moments où vous pouvez avoir librement mon corps | Laisser un commentaire Beloved children, how many are my tears that fall on this humanity that has given itself to sin. My daughter, speak of my Jesus in the world; I will be at your side — my love and consolation are drawing many souls who would otherwise be lost. My children, I touch the earth to bring peace to your hearts and homes. Once again, there is so much packed in another message to Gisella Cardia from Our Lady — all of it consistent with the prophetic consensus we are hearing from many souls in the Body of Christ throughout the world. Message from Our Lady Dear children, thank you for having responded to my call in your hearts. Beloved children, only faith can save you, never forget this. The time of mercy is at an end and the time of justice will begin. The alleged Marian apparitions in Trevignano Romano in Italy to Gisella Cardia are relatively new. ). Many of Cardia's messages underline the imminence of the End Times and predict earthquakes, pestilences and wars. Pray for the Church. . One day it will be your refuge, do not forget. Please I really need this. Our Lady to Gisella Cardia on June 12th, 2021: My children, thank you for being here in prayer. You don't. Please and Thank you. A Message form Our Lady to Gisella Cardia on July 13, 2021. Amen. Mary spoke in. Oh, how great will be their pain! At 5:00 a.m. My beloved, on this very dark night, shadows have descended over the whole earth and you, little and defenseless ones, can do nothing faced with all this except pray to Our Father to calm all of this. . Asserti Marian apparitionis est Trevignano Romano in Italia Gisella Cardia a relative novum. [ Heaven or Hell ] We make choices in life without exact knowledge of their outcomes, for example business decisions and equity investments. Be faithful to the Lord and to the Holy Scriptures. My Angels and Archangels will always be by your side: do not be lukewarm. Please I really need this. My children, pray for those in government, for they are plotting something dangerous for you. Catholic News Service was unable to verify that the message was actually posted on that date. The alleged apparitions take place in Trevignano Romano, Italy. [1] Children, pray for the powerful of the earth and for the leaders of the Church, that they might avoid the great schism . Children, now nothing will be the same as before: they have taken everything away from you including your freedom. Now I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. . Countdown to the Kingdom. I will protect my faithful and humble children, who have distinguished themselves for their courage and love. Michel Rodrigue, Fr. Giselle Cardia: True or False. Our Lady to Gisella Cardia on April 30th, 2022: Children, you are my true Church and it is to you that I commend myself, because thanks to my faithful she will be reborn, resplendent and glorious. The Catholic News Service quoted Cardia as . Our Lady indicates that the 'Warning is about to occur.'. Sequitur incipiebant invisentis Fafá MMXVI, Bosnia-Herzegovina et emptio Virginis imagine quem deinde sanguinis flevit. (CNS photo/Robert Duncan) . quia caelum est Messages tempora OurTurbulent et a pluribus sacerdotibus esse penitus perscrutandam ac liberam invenerunt . Gisella Cardia - The Rosary Will Bring Protection. In this video we share Our Lady's Message to Gisella Cardia for April 12, 2022.I am the Immaculate Virgin, the spouse of the Holy Spirit, the humble servan. Gisella Cardia 12 April 2022 | Our Lady of Trevignano Romano Message | Message of Mary (04.12.2022) Trevignano Romano, 12 April 2022I am the Immaculate Virgi. On the third of every month, hundreds of Italians flock to Trevignano Romano, a small town 30 miles from Rome, to pray the rosary with Cardia. . God Bless. My chi. Please and Thank you. The Schuylkill Haunting. Message from Our Lady to Message to Marija. I am the Holy Virgin, do not be afraid. Take your time if you are going to help me. If even just one priest just one can look into the alleged visions and messages of Giselle Cardia and tell me if they're credible or not that would be amazing. September 11, 2021 Dear children, thank you for having responded to my call in your heart. Firstly, the content of Gisella's messages converges very closely with the "prophetic consensus" represented by other contemporary sources, without any indication of her awareness of their existence (Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Pedro Regis, Fr. September 8, 2021 My children, thank you for having responded to my call in your heart. In this video we share Our Lady's Message to Gisella Cardia for May 21, 2022. Pilgrims gather in Trevignano Romano, Italy, Aug. 3, 2020, for an alleged apparition of Mary to Gisella Cardia, who claims Mary appears to her on the third of every month. Original Site. In this video we share Our Lady's Message to Gisella Cardia for June 3, 2022.Dear children, thank you for having responded to my call in your heart. Children, you are at a crossroads, make the right choice, my Son is waiting for you. In this video we share Our Lady's Message to Gisella Cardia for May 10, 2022.Dear children, thank you for having responded to my call in your heart. Pray for my Church which by now is in the darkness of darkness, the same ones that will descend on you, but whoever has faith will not have to fear. Return to Top. May 13, 2022 Always Be Vigilant May 3 — May 6, 2022 Pray for Japan and China May 10, 2022 Pray for the Pope and for My Church Apr 26 — Apr 30, 2022 Console my Mother's heart Apr 16, 2022 What Is Written Will Come to Pass Apr 19 — Apr 23, 2022 The Earth Will Shake Apr 3, 2022 See the Dark Times Mar 26, 2022 Communism is Advancing Rapidly My prophets have written and have spoken much for the salvation of humanity, but you do not listen. My children, keep me company a little longer and console Me with your love and I will reward you generously. The bishop said that though he has not yet set up a formal commission to evaluate the credibility of Marian apparitions to Gisella Cardia, he is following the alleged supernatural messages and. The Italian woman said the Virgin Mary told her in September 2019 about the new disease and to pray for China, "because new diseases will come from there.". In this video we share Our Lady's Message to Gisella Cardia for April 12, 2022.I am the Immaculate Virgin, the spouse of the Holy Spirit, the humble servan. . Now I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Brothers and sisters, My children, you who ask Me every day in your hearts if you are doing enough for Me, I tell you in truth: every time I hear your voices singing praises and prayers, My angels . The fact that she then encourages weekly confession . Take your time if you are going to help me. So I ask you, my children on which side do you want to be? Children, I ask you to listen to my advice and to the voice of my Son so that you might be saved. . My children, do not be afraid of the water that today descends from the sky, even on the day of my birth a lightning bolt tore through the sky and so much water came down. In this video we share Our Lady's Message to Gisella Cardia for May 21, 2022.My children, thank you for being here in prayer and for having responded to my . Children, you are. My. My children, do not be afraid of the water that today descends from the sky, even on the day of my birth a lightning bolt tore through the sky and so much water came down. Pray much and continually, have faith in God alone and continue to read the Holy Scriptures. Gisella Cardia who claimed to be a visionary said the Blessed Virgin Mary has warned last year of a new disease that would come from China. In this video we share Our Lady's Message to Gisella Cardia for May 10, 2022.Dear children, thank you for having responded to my call in your heart. Catholicphily says "She spoke of an "unknown bacteria," or, "as Cardia now says, a 'virus that would arrive from China'." Our Lady to Gisella Cardia on July 25th, 2020: Dear children, thank you for being gathered here in prayer and for having listened to my call in your hearts. I chose you because you are filled with love and hope, and they are the foundation of life"- these are the first words that Our Lady. My chi. Contact Us ©2022 — After the Warning Designed by .

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