- 07/06/2022
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How did the French and Dutch learn from the experiences of the Spanish? In the 1600s, French and Dutch settlers in North America took a very different approach to colonization than their English or Spanish counterparts. French colonies in the Caribbean were established on a much different basis than New France - like the Dutch and Spanish, the French established plantation-based colonies there for sugar and food. During the European colonization of the Americas or the New World, both the Spanish and the French spread the idea of Catholicism throughout the Americas, however the Spanish believed in treating the Native Americans in a harsher way by enslaving them for labor whereas the French established trade relationships. Such contrasting interpretations can be seen throughout the different documentations of the French colonization and Spanish conquests and their colonization of the Americas. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The French and Dutch were focused on creating trade relationships and *did not creating many permanent settlements, while the English did. Dutch ships carried goods throughout the world for virtually every European nation, Dutch merchants and bankers made Amsterdam the economic center of Europe, and the Dutch navy was a power to be reckoned with. However, those regions that had been colonized by the French or Spanish would retain national characteristics that linger to this day. Dutch Exploration and ColonizationOverviewIn the sixteenth century the United Provinces of the Netherlands rose from the status of a Spanish possession to a great European power. Using specific details, which colonial system achieved greater success? The Spanish and French colonies were both governed and controlled by their home country. They were mainly used to promote trade with the Indians for fur. The Spanish and French both had large amounts of land. Compare and contrast Spanish and British colonization efforts in North America prior to 1763. The Dutch in New Netherland confined their operations to Manhattan Island, Long . the commitment trust theory of relationship marketing pdf; The French and English colonies had some parts of the Mississippi river. attachment to the language and culture of their respective colonizers. Part of a series on: War; History Think about economies, freedoms, religion, government structure, and intermarriage. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonial_war. Advertisement. The Spanish Conquest resulted in the death of . History 6 Midterm Study OutlineThe following outline is designed assist you in preparing for the History 6 midterm. Spanish and English Colonization Compare and Contrast the Spanish and English motives for colonization. The French and Dutch settlements differed from the Spanish colonies in that they were created mainly to trade and develop industries, while the Spanish were primarily concerned with gold and silver excavation, and then later with sugar exportation. The Spanish conquistadors focused on finding . Spanish Colonies grew quickly France Compare and Contrast the British, French, Spanish, and Dutch Empires in America. A comparison of these regions thus permits an excellent test of the colonizer influence hypothesis. The Dutch and the English had a rapid growth. The overseas colonies became and remained the king's private estate. She has taught at the high school and university levels in the U.S. and South Korea. (How do you define successful colonization?). How were the French and Dutch colonies different from the Spanish colonies? See the answer See the answer done loading. Spanish colonize American Southwest but not the Southeast; primary motive in settling in modern Texas is to block French expansion across Gulf region do not generally populate either region; 1540-1600 French colonization slows French religious wars halt French colonization of the North America; 1600 French interest in North America for fur trade HistoryGuyHistoryGuy. Their colonies were run differently during different times. 1. why did Dutch colonies in the americas fail to attract as many settlers as English colonies did? This is the best answer based on feedback and ratings. In North America, trading outposts . While French missionaries were sent to the Americas, the French and Dutch were focused more on sending traders and merchants to the Americas. Although the French government encour-aged farming efforts, the fur trade proved to be more lucrative. A major difference between English and Spanish colonization is that the Spanish mostly sent single men, without wives & families. Seventeenth-century French and Dutch colonies in North America were modest in comparison to Spain's colossal global empire. Colonialism is a practice or policy of control by one people or power over other people or areas, often by establishing colonies and generally with the aim of economic dominance. In less than a century, from 1625 to 1700, the movements of peoples and goods from Europe to North America transformed the continent. However, they all had the same view when it came to intermarriage between the natives and the locals. The Spanish and the French colonies were the colonies where the king had the last say in everything. By 1763 the English had established dominance in North America, having defeated France and Spain in the French and Indian War. Also, we can observe that the British were successful on having . mac miller faces indie exclusive. The crown created civil and religious structures to . In Canada the French pop- The Spanish were the first to colonize North America and their approach lacked moral compass. Other colonies included Martinique, which is still a French territory today. Discovery and Early Colonization Compare and Contrast Spanish, French, and English Exploration and Colonization. Comparative Colonization in Asia. french colonial architecture. The Atlantic World portrayed these contrasts between the Spanish, French, Dutch and British empires. The Americas were invaded and incorporated into the Spanish Empire, with the exception of Brazil, British America, and some small regions of South America and the Caribbean. Although the French and Dutch had apparent positive approaches compared to Spain, oppression of the Native Americans occurred under the control of all three colonies. The regions became British and French colonies due to an exogenous shock unrelated to local conditions (i.e., the They knew this would allow them to establish long-term relations with the Native Americans and the Indians (Elliott, 2007). France had one valuable resource in the beaver which caused people to move a bit France also tried to convert indians to Christianity. English settlers set up their own government in the colonies. The Spanish and the French colonies were similar, they both had a very slow growth. All began colonizing to make empires for their country. The Spanish, French, Dutch and British colonization methods were similar and different in several aspects, such as the beginning of the maritime exploration of the Americas, made possible by the technological advances of the time, such as the caravel and the compass. The outcomes of the British method of colonization have one aspect similar to the Spanish: the destruction of the Indian culture, mainly because of the European diseases. Spain, France, and England came and conquered. Spanish & English colonization processes (1450-1800) were similar and different: Political: both had specific governing system. It will detail . Plantations established in the Mississippi valley largely failed. Essay by kingbobo100 , High School, 10th grade , A , June 2008 download word file , 3 pages download word file , 3 pages 3.7 3 votes Best Answer. a. fewer people were dissatisfied with the life in the Netherlands than in England*** b. the economy of Netherlands was much. Using specific details, which colonial system achieved greater success? In the process of colonisation, colonisers may impose their religion, language, economics, and other cultural practices.The foreign administrators rule the territory in pursuit of their interests, seeking to benefit . The colonial leadership will be interpreted, as well as the relationships between other colonies. The empire was created in a time of rising European absolutism, which flourished in both Spain and Spanish America and reached its height in the 18th century. will explain the differences and similarities among the Spanish, British, and French during the colonization of North America from 1519-1720s. Using specific details, which colonial system achieved greater success? Similarities Between The Spanish, British, And French Colonization Of North America. Colonial life was largely controlled by the French Catholic clergy. set up local governments/viceroys. … Interactions with Native Americans: The goals of both the French and Dutch revolved around the fur trade. New France and New Netherland remained small commercial operations focused on the fur trade and did not attract an influx of migrants. artemis, hecate and selene; brendan mcdonough natalie johnson; liftfund application status; scientists who never married; pocket beagles for sale in ky raul peralez san jose democrat or republican. Slow growth; by 1672 no more than 5,000 colonists had settled throughout New France. French Colonization Relations with Natives: Did not take a substantial amount of Native land (like English) Did not force them into slavery (like Spanish) Christian Indians were allowed to have a lot of autonomy (independence) Many Natives were killed by diseases Dutch Colonization Henry Hudson of the Dutch East India Company reached NY in 1609 Compare And Contrast French And Spanish Colonization 767 Words 4 Pages Donalvin Weatherby August 16, 2011 U.S. History Hour 7 Differences in Colonization In the early years after Columbus' "discovery" of America European countries felt the urge to settle in this new area. England colonized many places, made peace with the Spanish, and overall covered a lot of ground. English used the House of Burgesses (first democratic style system). (How do you define successful colonization?). Spanish, French, and English Colonization in America Pages: 5 (1248 words) English VS. Spanish Colonization Pages: 3 (713 words) The Spanish Colonization in the Philippines Pages: 3 (749 words) American colonies in 1763 - A new Society? Before colonization can be effected, the indigenous population must be subdued and assimilated or converted to the culture of the colonists; otherwise, a modus vivendi must be established by the imposition of a treaty or an alliance. The French colonies were sparsely populated. The most important French colony was Saint-Domingue, modern-day Haiti. Best Answer. A colonial period of nearly three centuries followed the major Spanish conquests. Published by James Taylor The Spanish, French and Dutch colonies treated the natives differently in terms of freedom granted to the people and religious beliefs. achieve. The French Jesuits' purpose for colonizing New France, present day Canada, was to spread the Catholic faith to the natives. The impacts on North and South America‚ as well as the peoples inhabiting both continents will be explained.The colonial leadership will be interpreted‚ as well as . Spain's was Council of Indies. Advertisement New questions in History Copy. This led to the many differences between methods of colonization and exploration in every colony and region. British and Spanish colonization of America differed in terms of their approach and backing, as well as in their religious and social standing. English colonies only had a little bit of land. explain the differences and similarities among the Spanish‚ British‚ and French during the colonization of North America from 1519-1720s. Start studying Compare the motives behind the colonization efforts of the Spanish, French, English, and Dutch; and explain how and why colonies established by these nations differed.. The following Bachelor's thesis French and British Colonization of North America, Mutual socio-cultural relations between the French and the British colonists and the Native Americans between 15th and 18th centuries will discuss the topics raised in the subject of the colonization of North America by the British and the French. The British colonies were developed economically as compared to French and Spanish colonies. Each empire had their own individual agendas and incentives for colonization. Spanish explorers were authorized by their monarchy to conquer new territory for the Spanish empire in order to increase trade and spread Catholicism. French settlers made peace with some indians. The French and Dutch settlements differed from the Spanish colonies in that they were created mainly to trade and develop industries, while the Spanish were primarily concerned with gold and silver excavation, and then later with sugar exportation. other nations, thus boosting its colonial population. To download the New APUSH curriculum guideline, please visit here: http://media.collegeboard.com/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap-us-history-course-and-exam-descrip. Dr. Kallie Szczepanski is a history teacher specializing in Asian history and culture. In this video, Kim examines the trading relationships that French and Dutch settlers established with Native Americans in North America and how colonial goals affected patterns of settlement. This is only an outline, offering you in bullet point form the terms, names, ideas, and concepts you need to understand in order to do well on the midterm.ColonizationUnderstand the difference between Spanish, French, English, and Dutch Prior to 1763, both Spanish and British colonization efforts expanded into various regions of North America. Several different Western European powers established colonies in Asia during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Discovery and Early Colonization Compare and Contrast Spanish, French, and English Exploration and Colonization. Motivations for colonization: The French colonized North America to create trading posts for the fur trade. English settlers immigrated for religious reasons. The main differences between the French and Dutch colonies and the Spanish colonies consisted of the size and scale of the colonies and their forms of rule. But contrary to the Spanish situation, in the British sector the "mestizaje" was very low or non-existent. The impacts on North and South America, as well as the peoples inhabiting both continents will be explained. 100% (1 rating) Together these three countries were so much apart, so different, yet so much alike. calderdale council business grants. spanish viceroys held broader power . This upset the indians and made the indians attack the French *French and Dutch settlers were primarily single men, not families. Using specific details, which colonial system achieved greater success? Advertisement. mary steenburgen photographic memory. English settlers had more economic opertunities. Similarities. Question: Compare and Contrast the colonization patterns of the Spanish versus other European countries (French, Dutch, English? Spain began colonizing the Americas under the Crown of Castile and was spearheaded by the Spanish conquistadors. Both were far from their mother countries. British colonists, on the other hand, had little interest in establishing a bond with the natives . England actually set up the colonies as a home. Moreover, the Spanish and French settlers tried to displace Indians beliefs through converting them into Christianity. Compare the Spanish colonies with those of the French and Dutch. Pages: 3 (697 words) The year 1763 in american history Pages: 4 (1195 words) Question: Compare and Contrast the colonization patterns of the Spanish versus other European countries (French, Dutch, English? daniel kessler guitar style. Sections in this article: Introduction ; Early Colonization; The Portuguese and Spanish; The English, Dutch, and .
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